Surgical Endoscopy


Efficacy of a modified double-guidewire technique using an uneven double lumen cannula (uneven method) in patients with surgically altered gastrointestinal anatomy (with video)

Supplementary material 1

This video shows how to perform modified double-guidewire technique using an uneven double lumen cannula (uneven method) in patients with surgically altered gastrointestinal anatomy depending on the two situations (“axis matched” and “lumen-replaced”) in detail.

Over-the-scope clip-assisted endoscopic full thickness resection: a video-based case series
Treatment outcomes, including risk factors of stone recurrence, for hepatolithiasis using balloon-assisted endoscopy in patients with hepaticojejunostomy (with video)

The DBE scope was exchanged for an ultraslim endoscope, leaving the overtube with its balloon inflated. The ultraslim endoscope was advanced through the overtube up to the hepaticojejunostomy anastomosis and directly inserted into the intrahepatic bile duct. Residual stones were detected and extracted using a 5-Fr basket catheter and suction after normal saline irrigation. Residual stones were completely removed.

Middle and left hepatic vein trunk control during laparoscopic liver resection (with video)
Technical feasibility of a newly designed bendable forceps for difficult endoscopic tissue samplings (with video)